A Little Book on Loving BIG
When I was raising my Kids, I often laid in bed at night.
after my kids had gone to sleep. wishing I had held them a little more. listened more intently and left the dishes in the sinK and gone to play Now that they are adults, I realize that time was even more precious.
Every Parent Knows what they want for their child. le difficult part is fulfilling that from day to day. This book is about the most important gift, we can give to our child, a positive example. By taking care of and believing in ourselves, following our hearts. living geed lives, and being the best person we can be, we begin a path for our children to folow and give them the confidence to pave the rest of the war
This book if for Parents and Caretakers who have the best intentions.
May we hold these words in our hearts with the hope that we can go to bed at night, satisfiled with the job we have done knowing it may not have been perfect, but that we have held tight to our little ones in our hearts and hands. May we rest peacefully Knowing that our childrens spirits are nurtured and their hearts warm simply because we are living the best life we can and loving them with all of our heart. Let's take it easy on ourselves, and really take good care or ourselves, so that we are happy and our children learn how to do the same through our example.
Much love. TobiJo
Beautifully illustrated by my Daughter, Hannah, of Hanman Ink